One thing that this experience show a prime example of is Parental Toxic Love. As the WT organization like to be called our mother(a witch bitch is more like it) she is a sterling example of a mother who is never happy with what the children do and always wants them to do more, uses guilt to manipulate, and will kick you to the curb or throw you under the bus if it means a benefit for her.
Remember what the mother said. She said is always saying to her own flesh and blood children about how very conditional her love is towards them which in itself is a form abuse to be remind over and over again by a nagging mom about how she will leave you twisting in the wind if you leave the WT corporation/sock puppet imaginary corporate Jehovah.
As much as we wish they were different. As much as we long to believe that they do really love us and care about us and will be there for us, when you have a toxic parent, there will come a day when you have to face the facts.
Our relationship with them is full of emotional, physical and spiritual poison and it feels like it’s killing us.
By definition, any toxic relationship is primarily characterized by actions and behaviours that are emotionally damaging. It is riddled with feelings of guilt, insecurity, self-centredness, control, manipulation, insult and threat.
A healthy relationship is one where there is mutual love, caring, respect and compassion, where there is care for the welfare and well-being of the other, where we feel loved and accepted for who we are and the relationship feels SAFE.
A toxic relationship does NOT feel safe.
It feels anxious and destructive and drains us emotionally, physically and spiritually.
It feels like a burden, an obligation and a trap and because it’s our parents, it’s not generally a relationship that we talk about or even consider ending.
It’s acceptable to divorce your partner, it’s acceptable and encouraged to leave any sort of toxic, abusive relationship in fact, it is actively encouraged, EXCEPT when the toxic person is your parent.
Regardless of the degree of toxicity in your relationship - if it’s unhealthy it’s time to fix it, or get out of it! So how do you know if your relationship is toxic? Consider the following tips and questions whole heartedly to understand and prepare yourself. Follow the steps below to free yourself, if you already know the answer.
Emotions are Information:
How do you feel when you are with your significant other? Notice whether you are feeling happy and loved, or criticized and controlled. A healthy relationship is filled with openness, mutual support, respect, positive regard, and exploration. A toxic relationship is stifled, judgmental, critical, and filled with mockery. Are you being put down, or lifted up? Constructive criticism comes from a place of love and is intended to help. Belittling is meant to take away one's power and inner strength.
Be Your Authentic Self:
In a healthy relationship it’s safe and easy to be your true self. Each person’s thoughts, opinions, and aspirations are important, valued, and supported by the other. Communication is honest and open. Conversations are free and based on ideas,dreams, and shared responsibilities. In a toxic relationship, one person feels stifled. Their dreams and life goals are squashed, irrelevant, unimportant, and often get sacrificed for the sake of the other. Their true self is denied and feels atrophied.